Those who exercise regularly know how difficult it is to keep up on very cold or excessively hot days. Discomfort disrupts routine and can even affect health. However, the question arises: is using air conditioning in the gym safe? Is it worth it?
Is Air Conditioning In A Gym Bad?
Using an air conditioner in the exercise space can be beneficial, it tune ups for your unit. For this, it is essential to plan the air conditioning for the place, considering the place’s footage and the average of regulars. A specialized company can help with this.
Another critical point is that the temperature must be maintained at a pleasant level to the body, between 20 ℃ and 25 ℃. Also, taking care of the humidity in the air is another essential point to ensure students’ well-being. It should always be between 40 to 60%.
How Should Maintenance Be Done?
In a place with a high concentration of people, such as offices, it is already necessary to take extra care in maintaining the air conditioning unit to ensure that it does not harm people’s health or need repair service.
When it comes to the gym, an environment in which students work on cardiovascular capacity and breathing, this maintenance becomes even more necessary. The washing of the filters must be done every week, or at most, every 15 days in little movement periods.
This care with hygiene contributes to regulars’ well-being and avoids problems with the gym’s image. After all, who wants to work out in a place where people live having problems caused by the lack of clean air conditioning?
Which Air Conditioning Models Are Suitable For The Gym?
To install air conditioning in a gym, we recommend devices that offer mechanical or natural ventilation. Central insufflation systems are also a good choice, as they promote a more refreshing and pleasant environment through ducts.
Another good option is to use an air purifier to remove a good part of germs, bacteria, and fungi, making the environment healthier for the regulars.
It is also worth using air curtain systems. This feature prevents the entry of hot air, pollution, and insects from the street to the gym to prevent the cold air from leaving the place, forming isolation. Air curtains are excellent for establishments with doors open.
Are There Any Other Essential Precautions With Air Conditioning In The Gym?
Be very careful with the thermal shock. When we come out of a too hot or too cold place, our body can suffer severe damage.
The best way to avoid this problem is always to keep the air conditioning at a pleasant temperature, so that the difference between the external and internal climate is not so stark.