As we all know, heating and cooling are one of the important needs in life now. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when an HVAC emergency has happened and what constitutes an HVAC emergency, but there are a few telltale signs that you might want to be aware of. Read on for more info!
What is an HVAC Emergency?
An HVAC emergency is when your air conditioning or heating system breaks down, and you can’t wait for the next business day to fix it. The most common HVAC emergencies are situations where the air conditioner or heater is not working, smells funny, or does not seem to be producing enough heat, but there are many other situations that would qualify as a heating and cooling emergency.
How often should you check your system?
There is no specific time frame that can be set out for checking the HVAC system, but routine maintenance is recommended. At least once a year, have a service technician come to the home and inspect your HVAC system for wear and tear. Replacing parts when they are in this condition will prevent future problems.
What Are Some Signs of an Emergency?
The following are the signs of cooling and heating emergencies:
- If there is no heat in the house due to faulty equipment.
- If there is a loud noise coming from the air conditioner system, this could mean that something needs immediate attention.
- If you have mold or mildew or any other kind of fungus growing in your ductwork, then this would be an emergency.
- If there is a sudden loss of air pressure in your home, this can mean your equipment is failing.
- If you have a broken coil on your outdoor unit, this could cause the compressor to not be able to work properly.
- If there is water pooling around your cooling coils, this can cause problems with the system or ruin it completely if it isn’t fixed right away.
What to do when there is a problem with the system
If you have checked all your warning signs and noticed any problems, it’s time to contact a heating & air conditioning in Chicagoland service technician. If you are still not sure, call the service company and ask them any questions about their services or if they can come out for a consultation first.
Having detailed information on the problem will help the service technician pinpoint what is causing the issue. It is also helpful if you keep all your receipts because some companies offer warranty periods for their products. These warranties are typically extended when you can show proof of having work completed recently or at least within a certain period of time.
HVAC emergencies happen more frequently than other problems, but that does not mean they should be taken lightly. To avoid having an emergency turn into a catastrophe, have a plan in place for handling any issues that may come up with your HVAC system.