It’s a nightmare to even think about, but unfortunately sometimes life throws a spanner in the works, like discovering that your basement is flooded with water. Acting swiftly and making the right decisions to minimize damage and risk is extremely important, which is why we’ve compiled a list of the main steps to take if you find yourself in this situation and need to call for help with flooded basement repair.
- Do Not Go Into the Basement
Should you come home or get up in the morning and discover that your basement is flooded, your first reaction may be to go downstairs and check to see how bad the damage is and try to stop it from worsening. We strongly urge our customers to avoid this course of action as there are several risks – some even potentially life-threatening – to investigating the situation yourself. If your home’s circuit breaker is installed somewhere other than your basement, turn off your home’s power immediately. Flooding creates a very real risk of electrical appliances or your main electrical wiring being affected, which can cause electrocution when you’re in contact with it. Once your main power is shut off, call a professional service to assist with diffusing and correcting the situation.
- Drain the Water When It’s Safe to Do So
Once you have turned off your house’s power and you’re certain that there is no other possible risk to watch out for, you need to find a way to get rid of the water as soon as possible. Water can rapidly damage home interiors and having to deal with the resultant smell of damp and the risk of mold formation is definitely something you’d want to prevent as much as possible. If it’s still a relatively controllable level of flooding, you can soak up and mop up the area. However, if your water level is over a foot high, it’s best to call specialists to come assess the situation and take the best course of action as quickly as possible.
- Minimize Damage to Your Furniture And Other Items
Once the water has been drained and mopped up, you should remove all items from your basement and place them somewhere safe where they can be dried off or gradually dry – your back yard or garage, for example. If you have a carpet installed in your basement, it will unfortunately need to remove it if you want to be sure that your basement is completely dry. Depending on the severity of the situation, you may be able to save the carpet and reinstall it once everything’s back to normal. Leaving it in the basement, however, will almost certainly create a situation where damp and mold will flourish and create a very uncomfortable living environment. It can also cause further damage to your floors and walls as they never get to properly and completely dry.
- Kill Mold Formation Before It Starts
Even if you are fairly confident that your basement has been cleared and dried thoroughly, they don’t typically receive a great deal of fresh air and light, both of which are factors for mold formation. Clean your walls properly with a soapy solution and dry it down thoroughly afterwards. If you spot any damage to drywalls, they will need to be removed and replaced entirely. Place fans and dehumidifiers in the basement to draw out the moisture as much as possible. You can also get antifungal spray at your local hardware store, which can be sprayed to kill off any mold that may begin to grow there.
- Prevent Floods before They Happen, Or From Happening Again
Once everything has returned to normal, you should take the time to find out exactly what caused the flooding and ensure that any risks are eliminated. Factors like cracks in the foundation, faulty water pumps or broken pipes should all be carefully inspected.
If you do find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it’s wisest to trust an expert to help with your flood cleaning littleton co. Contact us today for friendly, swift assistance.